Saturday, February 17, 2007

Casting on...

Ok, I've been wanting to do this for a while... start a knitting blog, and now I finally have a moment to work on it. Seems that the knitting groups I've joined online are loaded with members with a knitting blog of their own, and I'm now inspired...
Strangely it's with umteen boxes surrounding me awaiting my attention to their 'unpacking'.. and I manage to find the time to blog instead.

I've been busy knitting lately, teacher gifts, dishcloths, scarves, hats, skirts, pants etc. Things to avoid dealing with the move... but also to keep me from snacking away my stress!

I haven't photographed any of my recent projects but will hopefully get around to it today. :-) I'll post projects in the works and pics of the completed items as well as soon as I get the chance (in between opening boxes and putting away the kitchen).